originally designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. These five rings stand for passion, faith, victory, work ethic, and sportsmanship.
did they want to
love hope and peace
blue yellow black green red in that order (the yellow could be gold)
Keyrings were invented in the 19th century.
the original olyimpic torch was made from wiker and reeds
the olympic rings were invented by a guy called piere de coubertin and they were invented in 1912!
Key rings were invented in 1922 by a man called G Herluf Johnson, the actual ring part was invented by a juggler from Russia in the 1830's.
It is the 5 games of the fry cook games. Pickle lifting, ice cream dive, straw toss, onion ring swing and fish fry jump.
5 mar 2007,name who invented md faiz aniq