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Q: Who invated hand ball?
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Is it a hand ball if someone kicks the ball at you football?

If the ball is kicked at your hand then no. There is ball to hand and hand to ball. If it is ball to hand, nothing should happen, but if you go and block the ball with your hand or arm, it's a foul. There are exceptions but that is the general rule.

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Who invated the US in the earl 20th century?

the Japanese did.

Why is hand ball called hand ball?

becasue you hit the hand ball with your hand

What does ball in hand mean if you scratch on the 8 ball?

A ball in the hand is worth two in the bush.

How to juggle?

2 balls in dominant hand. 1 in other. throw one ball up from dominant hand. while ball is at top crest, throw ball in non dominant hand. when ball is at crest, throw ball in dominant hand. repeat

Has aliens invated our planted before?

The only proof of that is in Hollywood films.

What country was invated by Germany that started world war 2?
