

Who held power in Athens?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Who held power in Athens?
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How long were people in power in Athens?

Elections were held every 12 months.

When and where were the first modern olympic games held?

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.

Where was the asthens ancient Olympics held?

The Olympics were held by and in Elis, not Athens. There were the Istmian games near Athens.

Where 1896 olympic held?

it was held in athens,greece

When was Athens in power?

Athens was technically a democracy so the people held power. But women had very little power so they had no vote therefore no influence. Generally Athens would have one main citizen who would drive his policies, working as a dictator but the people always had the power to take him out of power or exile him. An example of this is Pericle who was this main citizen, was taken out of power and then brought back into power later when everyone was scared about the plague and the invading Spartan forces. He was then later exiled to Persia.

Where was the first modern Olympic games held?

They were held in Athens, in 1896. ~cjm

Is Olympic Games were held for the first time in Athens?

Yes. The first Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

Which city held the first Olympics?

The ancient Olympics were held at Olympia, the first modern games were at Athens.

What places were the Original Olympics held?

They were originally held at Athens

Where and when the first summer games held?

The first official summer olympic games were held in Athens in 1896.

Where was the 1896 games held?


Where were the Olympics first be held?
