The headquarters is in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lausanne, Switzerland
The IOC: International Olympic Committee located in Lausanne, Switzerland
Because the founder of the Modern Olympic Games was French, and the Headquarters of the International Olympic Committee is located in Switzerland. English is also an official language of the Olympics. When announcements are made at the Games, they are made in French, English, and the language of the host country.
Barbour international is well known company worldwide and is quite prestigious. The headquarters for Barbour International are located in the Simon Side.
The headquarters of the International Cricket Council (ICC) is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The Yahoo International headquarters is located in Sunnyvale, California. Yahoo has headquarters in many other cities, mostly in California, but also Florida, Georgia, Colorado, Illinois and Michigan.
The headquarters of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
The United Nations Headquarters.
It has been found that Marriott International is not a physical hotel location but rather the headquarters for the Marriott chain. The Mariott International headquarters are located in Bathesda, Maryland and can be contacted at 301-380-3000.