They can keep peace by giving the power to them i mean when they win a medal the country of the athletes they wuold like be very pleased to the country that is having the Olympics so they think it is fair and they would not fight and argue and maybe war so that is how they keep peace
Maybe it will be alright for you
The reason why the Olympic Games help the world to be a peaceful place goes back to the times of the ancient Greeks. The Games, which only the males of the human population, was allowed to attend and not the females, took place every few years and countries around the Mediterranean region, would participate in this and forget their differences. Instead, the Athletes would fight it out amongst themselves in a sporting arena or a field. This would also give any warring sides, the opportunity to talk peace and not war. It was the only thing that brought the whole world together. The significance of this was and still is the flame that is lit.
The Modern day Olympics is the only event that brings almost all nations, from all corners of the world together for a while and it gives the Athletes to get to know each other as well.
The Olympics first started to build up and show of the greek mens physical ability and bring peace between the cities in Greece The Olympics first started to build up and show of the greek mens physical ability and bring peace between the cities in Greece
There was peace for the few days of the festival games. Then the city-states went back to their habitual warfare.
The verb for peace is "to pacify." It means to bring peace or calm to a situation.
friendship and peace
to symbolise peace between the continents
no such thing Many people wish and try to bring peace in the world. If it is impossible for a single person, we may try to bring peace in our surroundings.
bring peace to the olympic games :)
he he peace sup maybe
the Olympics
They are people who want to bring peace through song and dance.