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Q: Where do the winter X games take place this year?
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What did the division of the summer and winter Olympics take place?

The summer and winter Olympics started occurring on separate years in the 1990's. 1992 was the last time when they were both in the same year. In 1994, the Winter Olympics took place in their own year for the first time. Two years later were the summer games in Atlanta; no winter games took place that year.

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When do did the Olympics take place?

every year during the winter

When did the Olympics take place?

every year during the winter

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What year did the 1st Winter Olymipics take place?

1924 in Chamonix, France.

What country did the winter Olympics take place in the year 1972?

Sapporo, Japan

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The first winter Olympics were held in the year and took place in?

The first Winter Olympic games were held in 1924 in Chamonix, France.

Is 2012 the year for Olympics games?

yes! every year take 2012 for example if its divisable by 2 then its the year of an olympic games either winter olympic games or summer olympic games!

Where will the rugby finals take place?

New zealand! where all the games take place this year!

Where did 1992 Olympics take place?

Summer: Barcelona, Spain Winter: Albertville, France