You can donate old trophies to charities, sports clubs etc as many will have very little budget to work with so will appreciate help on this front.
The maximum age to donate blood is seventy five years old.
the olympic medals were created by old people
You can donate old bicycles to local charities, non-profit organizations, or community bike shops.
2012 you can be as young as 5 years old to donate blood from Indiana says the guy who made you read this
you have to be 18 years old
You can recycle the clothes or donate them.
donate it to a charity to yu it is old but to kids in need it is new
One can donate old cars to 1-800-Charity Cars, Donate a Car, Habitat for Humanity, Car Angel and Goodwill. Schools and churches may also accept cars and other vehicles for donation.
Your life to slavery
This site can help you decide who to donate too
Their are lots of places online where someone can donate old boats. Some of these places are: Action Donation Services, Boats with Causes and Online Boat Donation.
You can donate to a charity at any age. Even if you don't have money to donate, you can donate items you no longer use such as clothes, toys or games in good condition.You can also donate your time, however, charities may have restrictions on how old you have to be to volunteer or that you have to have an adult with you or have to have parent/guardian permission.