The next Summer Olympic Games are in 2012 in London, England.
The next Olympic games is held in London in 2012
The next Olympic games will be held in Londen 2012
new caladonia
The last Olympic games (2008) where held in Bejing in China. The next Olympic games are due to be held in 2012 in London, England.
The next Olympic games are the Winter Games to be held in Vancouver. The next Summer Games are to be held in London.
The 2016 summer Olympic games will be held in Rio de Janeiro.
The next Olympic Games will be held at the United Kingdom, London.
The next olympic year is 2012, when the Olynpic Games will be held in London, and be the Summer games.
The next Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016.
The next Olympic Games are to be held in the United Kingdom, London, England.
I do believe the next winter Olympics location has yet to be annouced