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Q: When or Where are the caucuses going to be held?
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What happens before the national conventions which are held in a presidential election year?

primary elections and caucuses are held

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Where is the first caucus of the election held?

Since 1972, Iowa has held the first caucuses of the presidential primaries.

What month are election?

The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.

How many primaries and caucuses will be held on super Tuesday 2012?

10 primaries and caususes

How are candidates selected in a caucus?

Yes, caucuses pick a candidate for office. The difference between a caucus and a primary is that caucuses are held in public and voting is done in public. In primaries, the voting is done privately.

How are delegates selected in states where no primary is held?

Caucuses- As a nominating device, a group of like-minded people who meet to select the candidates they will support in an upcoming election.

Does Nevada use primary or caucuses for president?


What is held during the summer before a presidential election?

Primary elections and caucuses and the Democratic and Republican Presidential conventions

What do congressional caucuses do?

Congressional Caucuses pursue common Legislative objectives

What type of elections is held to determine a party's candidates for office?

Such is the purpose of primary elections. Candidates may also be determined by caucuses and state conventions.

What month are elections held?

The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.