Back in 1987 B.C. a little-known Neanderthal named Moog Weissmuller accidentally fell from a high cliff into a deep body of water. Upon discovering that he could not breath while under the water, he quickly realized that by flailing his arms and legs in an organized manner, he could basically stay alive. Thus the invention (perfected over time) was to become known as "swimming." As a side note, unknown to Moog, Ugh Spitz observed Moog's fall and thought it must have hurt when he hit the water on his back. After some practice and multiple painful attemtps, Ugh was able to enter the water from high cliffs barely causing a splash! He and Moog decided to call Ugh's perfected method "diving." Fortunately, Moog was able to position himself in the water to save Ugh during his many attemtps, as Ugh had not yet developed Moog's staying-alive-in-the-water techniques.
The first recorded swimming races were held in Japan in 36 B.C. However, ancient drawings and paintings depicting people swimming date back to 2500 A.D. in Egypt. Also, the first swimming event in the Olympics did not happen until 1896. Depending on what you are looking for swimming has a somewhat scattered history.
I hope that helped.
hey yeahwhy did Stephanie rice start swimming hey yeahwhy did Stephanie rice start swimming
it means start swimming
Heyy what swimming club did Micheal phelps start at?
Babies can start swimming lessons as early as 6 months old.
swimming started in the 3rd millennium BC.
he started swimming at the age of 5
She started swimming when she was about 5 years of age.
UM who is< SHE > haha ??
Declared False Start