

What would a coxswain yell at the crew?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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Coxswains yell all sorts of things. Our main job is to 1) motivate and 2) steer and 3) keep the rowers in rhythm.

To motivate, for example, during a race, I would say, "LET'S GO! Come on, drive with those legs! Push it out. Break down that wall, ladies, break down that wall. You have worked TOO hard to give this up. Every stroke you pulled, every pound you lifted, every mile you ran, all of it has led up to this. This is your time. OWN IT!" And then I would probably call out a Power Ten. To do that, I have found it helpful to yell out phrases and/or rowers names in between the numbers. Also make sure to have an intensity to your voice, or the rowers won't take you seriously. "Power Ten in two, that's one, and two. Here we go...ONE! C'mon, Mikaela, TWO! Let's go THREE. Nice work, FOUR! Explode from those legs, FIVE! Give me more, SIX! I want GOLD...SEVEN! Keep it up - EIGHT! Sally! NINE! Last one, TEN!"

To steer, one would say, "Ports/Starboards, give power up" and then after your course is straight "Row even".

And then to keep everyone in rhythm and having proper technique, I would say, "2 seat, your oar is skimming the water. Don't let me hear your blade slapping!" "Starboards, I need you to follow 7 seat. She is your STROKE for a reason. Get it together." Make sure to always tell them when they're doing it right. Let them know you appreciate it. "Let's get this boat set - I want your blades 2 inches off the water - no more, no less. If we all compromise, we'll be flying in no time. Good, thank you, three seat. Oops! Ports, you're a little low. Bow four, back in time with us...there we go. Perfect."

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No, you're not. There are more important factors in being a good coxswain than just body weight. The average weight for women is in the 110 pound range, so 114 is not unreasonable. If you can steer well and can motivate your crew, your weight will be of secondary importance.

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No, the man who gives the directions and steers (the coxswain) does not count towards the total number of rowers (8 or 4) because they do not row.

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I think you mean Coxswain. the Coxswain (or Cox) is the person who steers in a rowing boat.

How do you use the word yell in a sentence?

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