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The International Rescue Committee is an internationally recognized organization that is helpful in locating missing or runaway people. They are non profit and rely on donations to do their work.

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Q: What work is done by the International Rescue Committee?
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The dimension for work done is energy, which has units of joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI).

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Unfortunately, a number of countries use young children to fight their wars. But a growing number of people are speaking out and trying to help these children. Documentary film-makers Jason Russell and Laren Poole created the site "Invisible Children." They and their team use media to tell the stories of these children and to encourage people to help by raising funds to educate and counsel former child soldiers. There are also a growing number of human rights agencies that recognize this problem and are trying to rescue and rehabilitate child soldiers. Among the organizations doing this work are The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, the International Rescue Committee, and Amnesty International.

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The units for work done are joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI). Another common unit for work is the erg in the centimeter-gram-second system.

Most of the work in Congress is done by .?

What they do is they pass bills and do work like regular people do Novanet: The standing committee

Most of the legislative work of Congress is performed by?

the standing committee and subcommittees with jurisdiction over particular policy areas the standing committee and subcommittees with jurisdiction over particular policy areas

What are the units of work done?

The unit of work done is the joule (J) in the International System of Units (SI). It can also be expressed in other units such as calories or kilowatt-hours depending on the context.

What type of committee includes members from both houses to work out differences in purposed bills?

conference committee conference committee

Are there international management jobs available in America?

There may be international management jobs that have some work that needs to be done in America, but by definition, for a job to be international, it would not be based only in one country.

Where is the real work of congress done?

Campaigning for re-election. Thus the need for term limits if we ever want honest politicians. In the board rooms and meeting areas of the lobbyists in DC. In committee. By their staffs in DC and in their home Districts.