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Since the change of the scoring system for elite gymnastics everybody os packing their routines full of skills just to get a higher start value. With all the skills a lot more injuries are happening. If they don't change the scoring system back to a 10.0 start value gymnastics is going to go downhill and fast. So the future is going away and it is a shame for the young kids now that are trying to go elite and follow their roll models like Shown Johnson.

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Are there pairs in gymnastics?

it depends on what gymnastics you do if it is rhythmic gymnastics then yes if it is just gymnastics then no

What is aesthetic gymnastics?

There is no such thing all the different types of gymnastics are tnt gymnastics, guys artistic gymnastics, girls artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics

Where and when ethiopia participate first gymnastics international comptition?

Ethiopia has not participated in any international gymnastics competitions yet. The sport of gymnastics is not very popular in Ethiopia, and there is no national gymnastics federation. There are a few gymnastics clubs in the country, but they are mostly focused on teaching children basic skills. The first time Ethiopia participated in the Olympic Games was in 1956, but they did not compete in any gymnastics events. The closest Ethiopia has come to participating in an international gymnastics competition was in 2019, when two Ethiopian gymnasts were invited to compete at the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Stuttgart, Germany. However, they were unable to compete due to visa issues. It is possible that Ethiopia will participate in an international gymnastics competition in the future, but it is unlikely to happen anytime soon. The sport of gymnastics is still in its early stages of development in Ethiopia, and there is a lot of work that needs to be done before the country can field a competitive team.

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No. Gymnastics is the same everywhere.

forms of gymnastics?

Rhythmic Gymnastics Trampoline. Tumbling. Acrobatic Gymnastics.

When gymnastics ended?

Gymnastics has not ended. I know because i am still in gymnastics currently.

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no,they do not learn gymnastics

Did Selena do gymnastics?

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