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Q: What was the Cost of an ancient greek chariot?
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How much did an ancient greek chariot cost to buy?

There were no cars in ancient times in Greece.

What is the difference between ancient greek Olympics and the Olympics now?

we dont have horse and chariot racing

Where does the story phaeton and the chariot of the son take place?

The story of Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun takes place in Ancient Greece and is often associated with Greek mythology. It is a tale about the young Phaeton's misguided attempt to drive the chariot of the sun across the sky, with disastrous consequences.

What are greek words that start with C?

One word that deals with ancient greece and starts with C is chariot.

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Who from ancient Macedonia won at the Olympic Games?

King Philip won the chariot race. He had to fake up a Greek ancestry from Sparta to be allowed to compete.

Where was the chariot invented?

Ancient Mesopotamia

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the hitites

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