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A switch in side of it.DERP

-Nicole Fontaine

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Q: What sort of switch does a torch have?
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Related questions

What is the job of the switch in a torch?

the switch in a torch allows the circuit in the torch to be completed

How does a torch switch work?

It provides the light in the torch

What materials are conductors in a torch?

The conducting path of a torch is a simple circuit: Battery to switch, switch to bulb, bulb back to battery. Provided the switch is on, and there are no breaks in the circuit wiring (and the bulb is good), the torch should work.

How does the switch in a torch work?

when you switch on the torch you will see that the torch has light

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the ring the flames the torch scum new zealand the ring the flames the torch

What would happen if the switch of a glowing torch breaks?


Why switching off the torch light would cause the worms to die faster than the torch is switch on?

I don’t kniw

What is the job of the cells and wires and bulb and switch in a torch?

The job of a bulb is to give off heat and light energy

How does a torch work-circuit?

A torch is simply a circuit containing a battery, a bulb and a switch. The three components are connected in series (one after the other) to form a loop. The switch simply completes the circuit so that power flows from the battery to the bulb.

How does a torch work-circuit'?

A torch is simply a circuit containing a battery, a bulb and a switch. The three components are connected in series (one after the other) to form a loop. The switch simply completes the circuit so that power flows from the battery to the bulb.

How torch works?

A torch has six main parts. The bulb, the switch, the batteries, the wiring, the reflector, and the case. The switch connects the batteries to the bulb via the wiring. The reflector focuses the lamp beam, and the case holds all of the parts together.

How a torch works?

A torch has six main parts. The bulb, the switch, the batteries, the wiring, the reflector, and the case. The switch connects the batteries to the bulb via the wiring. The reflector focuses the lamp beam, and the case holds all of the parts together.