Here's the ones I own: there is a keychain quatchi that's about 4.5", a kinda flat looking small one that came in the box of 4, 7.5", my favorite size where he looks the cutest 13.5", then there is a larger one i have at 18" I believe and finally, my biggest guy, he's 21" from head to toe. As he gets bigger he looks less cute in my opinion, the 13.5" size is the 'classic' cutest looking quatchi. That size is still available all over Vancouver in the Gastown and Chinatown souvernir stores. They also made a 38" one which was the largest for the public I think. But it still went up from there. There was a 4 foot one in a shop under Canada Place. My friends told me there was a similar one in Whistler. And of course, the actual mascot costume, worn by a person was probably like 7 feet tall. I LOVE QUATCHI and so do a lot of people. He's very happy, laid back, and easy to be with. heh.
Yes. Dave Minion Plush Toy Dolls come in different sizes. There are also different kinds available. You can find most of them on Amazon where you can also check their prices.
the 2010 mascots are all first- nations creatures quatchi represents the sasquatch and that's why his name is quatchi
Go to and search Quatchi images and then click quatchi then Put a piece of paper over the screen and there you go.
Quatchi is one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It is a bigfoot, or sasquatch.
Sumi, Quatchi and Miga. Sumi is an animal spirit, Quatchi is a sasquatch and Miga is a seabear
Quatchi and Miga are, but Sumi is for the paralympics
The 2010 Winter Olympics Mascot's Are Quatchi,Sumi,and Miga.
no. that is an animal that does not come in plush. but you can buy it at the ganz estore.
sumi, miga (or muck), and quatchi
mukmuk,sumi and quatchi
For me it was Miga