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There aren't really positions in tennis. If you are playing singles, then there isn't any. just you. i suppose if you are playing doubles you have the server who is on the base line and then the person who is either at the "hot seat" (the line that is at the end of the serving box) or at the net. So i guess that's it Well actually there are positions on a tennis team, the best players have the first positions and the worst ones take the lower positions. Sometimes bad players have to play at a higher ranking, and depending on your position you might not get to play singles or you may only play singles depending on what team you play for.

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16y ago
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15y ago

In singles, you should just move where the shuttle goes. After each shot return to base which is the centre of the court generally, however it is different for everyone. If you find it easier to move forward then backwards then you should stand further back. If it easier for you to move backwards then you should stand nearer to the T on the court.

In level doubles, you should move around eachother. If your partner goes to the front move backwards. If your partner hits a shot near the back then move forward. If you clear of lift. GO to sides but not to far back. This is defence position. If you or your partner does a short serve then you should be in attack formation. ONe at the front one at the back behind them about a raquets distance from them. If a flick serve is hit. THen you should go to defence positions.

In mixed doubles, this is the same as doubles except the lady usually stays at the front unless in defence position. When the man does the serve, if he is right handed, then the lady should always stand in front of him on the left side of the court. Even if he himself is standing on the left.

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12y ago

Point Guard Shooting Guard Small Forward Power Forward and Center

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17y ago

In tennis there are two players, one umpire and a few ball boys/girls.

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17y ago

Two players and an umpire are the main positions of tennis.

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17y ago

In tennis there is singles, and doubles. In both there is playing baseline/server, alley/net/volley.

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15y ago

tennis is not a sport of positions... in doubles there is thereceiver the server and two people volleying ...but these spots change between points/games

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12y ago

You should always wear corect gear, be friendly, smiling at all the time, good attitude, fair play.

By jonas nzamba

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