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Q: What other winter activity did skiing evolve from?
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What can you do in West Siberia?

There are museums to see. You can do skiing and other winter sports. In the summer, there is fishing.

What should you do for your birthday if you have a winter birthday?

Some of my favorite things to do is to: go ice skating, skiing, sledding, and other winter activities.

Is Ireland a good skiing country?

Ireland does not get enough snow to have constant places for skiing in winter, so it is not good for skiing. There are no ski resorts in Ireland. Irish people who want to ski go to other countries to do so.

What type of products does Hestra sell?

Hestra is a company that sells gloves for skiing. They are one of the leading companies to make gloves for skiing and other winter sports and outdoor activities.

Towns that will host 2010 Winter Olympics?

Towns areound Vancouver will be the place for skiing and other snowy sports.

What companies provide winter sports insurance?

"Some of the companies that provide winter sports insurace are TravelInsurance, Insureandgo, Wintersportsinsurance, and Gosimply. These companies provide protection if you are injured from skiing, snowboarding, or other winter sports."

What could you put in your speech about skiing?

what skiing involves how long people have been skiing for and when it was invented, by who/ why people enjoy it. a story of when you or family/friends have been(to add humour and make the speech less dry) where the most common places for skiing are why people should, or should not go skiing. in any good speech there muct be an argument or debate that you are fighting for. if you are talking about skiing, try and argue why skiing is better than other winter sports.

What economic activity is important in the Alps?

Tourism is a significant economic activity in the Alps, with millions of visitors coming to the region each year for skiing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Agriculture, particularly dairy farming, is also important in the Alps, with the production of cheese such as Swiss, French, and Italian varieties. Additionally, forestry is a key economic activity in the region, providing wood for construction and other industries.

What sports are included in the 2010 winter games?

Curling, speed skating, Skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, and many more in other of those categories

What are some recreational things tourists can do in Andorra?

Well, skiing is a great idea in the winter, but in other time it's fun to visit the Musiams and stuff like that.

What time of year are rab jackets worn?

Rab jackets would generally be worn in the fall and winter months. Rab jackets are primarily made for alpine skiing and other winter sports. They are usually down filled.

Where can you purchase handwarmers for skiing?

Hand warmers are great for keeping ones hands warm while skiing or other outdoor winter sports. They can be purchased at Amazon, eBay, Target and Walmart. Some hand warmers can last up to 18 hours each.