If you are referring to the Olympics, it's because the first ever Olympic game was held there, in Athens.
I think It's the copper kettle used in the cauldron.
The Weight of the Nation - 2012 Can a Lifetime of Excess Weight Lead to Heart Disease was released on: USA: May 2012
she wason the 2012 olympic gymnastics team and helped lead the team to gold. by:Kamryn Waites
G.W. Bailey will lead the parade as King Bacchus in 2013.
Derek Sanders is the lead singer of the band Parade.
Alex Garcia
One was a 1955 Chrysler imperial parade phaeton.
His name is Derek Sanders.
The R.M.S Olympic is a lead Olympic class liner orinally made as a sister ship to R.M.S Oceanic.
The idea is that the games pay for the new building work and the massive influx of tourists will lead to more money being brought in to the city and spent there. not to mention the ongoing use of the Olympic facility's.