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Singh Cheka

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Q: What is to bolster as Battery is to torch?
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Why can you charge a car battery but not a torch battery?

A torch (flashlight) battery is a dry cell, and is not designed to be recharged.

What is battery's job in a torch?

powers the torch to give it energy

Why can you charge the battery of a car but not the battery of a torch?

they are two different types of batterys, the car recharges it's battery as you drive, that battery is a rechargable battery. the torch does not have a rechargable battery but you can add one to it.

Why can you change a car battery but not a torch battery?

You can "change" a torch battery. If you mean "charge", there are plenty of types of torch battery that can be charged. The common carbon-zinc battery, commonly used in torches in the past, is one of the few types left on the market that can't be charged.

How does the battery in a torch work?

A torch, or flashlight, typically uses a battery to power the lightbulb. When the battery is inserted into the torch, it completes a circuit allowing the current to flow from the battery to the lightbulb, which then emits light. The chemicals inside the battery convert chemical energy into electrical energy, powering the lightbulb.

how is energy is stored in a torch battery?

potential energy

Can you charge mobile battery using torch cell?

No, you can not charge a mobile battery using torch cell. <<>>> i think charger need and mobile the same. also battery.

How is the energy stored in a torch battery?

The energy in a torch battery is stored chemically in the form of chemical potential energy. When the battery is connected in a circuit, a chemical reaction occurs within the battery, releasing this stored energy in the form of electrical energy that powers the torch.

How does a torch work using the energy from a battery?

because of the electricity in the battery

How does a battery used in a torch work?

Batteries are inserted negative to positive and the battery contains electricity which produces heat and light therefore making the battery makes the torch work

Ive cleaned a battery leak in your torch but it still wont work How can you fix it?

When you cleaned the torch did you also put a fresh, clean battery in the torch and test the bulb to see if tht works as well

Is battry life is less if torch light passing through water?

Yes, the battery life of a torch will likely be decreased if the light is passing through water. Water can absorb some of the light energy, causing the torch to work harder and drain the battery faster to maintain the same level of brightness.