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Q: What is the size of the Bird nest Stadium at the Beijing Olympics?
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Related questions

What was the Beijing Olympics arena called?

The Beijing National Stadium. (Bird Nest)

What has nature inspired us to make?

Do you know when they had the Olympics in Beijing?? The olympic stadium looks like a bird nest. So that is inspired by the bird nest

What is the Olympics stadium called in Beijing?

Beijing's Olympic Stadium is known as the Birds Nest

What activities took place in the birds nest at beijing 2008?

The stadium in Beijing, China is also known as the Bird's Nest. It was designed for and used throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics

Which stadiums were used in the 2008 Olympics?

The main stadium is the Beijing National Stadium. (Bird's nest) Tts will be torn down in a few years.

What is Beijing stadium real name?

National Stadium (aka the Bird's Nest)

The birds nest stadium?

The Birds Nest Stadium, officially known as the Beijing National Stadium, is an iconic sports venue located in Beijing, China. It was the main stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and has since become a popular tourist attraction. The stadium's distinctive design, resembling a bird's nest, was a collaboration between architects and artists.

Which country's national stadium is known as Bird nest?

The Beijing National Stadium in China is also known as the Birds Nest. It was designed for the 2008 Summer Olympics. The design originated from the study of Chinese ceramics and used steel beams in order to hide supports for the retractable roof, giving the stadium the appearance of a "Bird's nest".

How many houses were destroyed to build the birds nest in Beijing stadium?

6000 Source:

Is the Beijing Olympics a good or a bad thing?

Good, of course as it was a rather big occasion and also the Bird Nest Stadium was a very creative one! :D

How many can the Beijing bird nest stadium hold?

I think it can hold envinitey..

The Olympic bird's nest?

The stadion in Beijing where the Olympics are held looks like a massive bird's nest