A beam has a metal frame, then there is a layer of foam and finally it is covered in leather.
They use Bars, The Floor, Vault and The Beam! :)
Nadia Comaneci was a model of gymnastics perfection, receiving the first perfect 10.0 score in Olympic history.
The Olympic torch was first lit in Olympia with a mirror focusing the beam of the sun onto the torch.
The RMS Britannic was sister the Titanic and Olympic. Her length was 882-feet and she had a beam was 94.
the Olympic medals are made all from bronze silver and gold.
There are 4. Vault Bars, Beam and Floor( Olympic apparatus rotation)
the olympic medals were created by old people
Jim Beam Bourbon is made in Kenutcky, in the town of Clermont. The Beam family has been producing bourbon in Kentucky since 1795.
Olympic: 1 ( Balance Beam ) World: 3 (All Around, Floor, Team) Nationals: 5 (2x All Around, 2x Floor, Balance Beam) Jr. Nationals: 4 (All Around, Floor, Vault, Balance Beam)
A balance beam is made from wood which is 16 feet long and 4 inches wide. The is covered with layers of Suede fabric
A balance beam is made from wood which is 16 feet long and 4 inches wide. The is covered with layers of Suede fabric