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Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

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Q: What is the oath of the special Olympics?
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Who said Let me win. But if I cannot win let me brave the attempt?

It is the Athletes oath from the Special Olympics

What Olympics was the Olympic oath first used?

The Olympic Oath for athletes was first taken at the 1920 Games in Antwerp and the Olympic Oath for judges was first taken at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

When was Special Olympics created?

Special Olympics was created in 1968.

Is badminton in the special Olympics?

No, they don't offer badminton in special olympics

What is the oath of the Olympics?

Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

When was the special Olympics found?

The Special Olympics was founded in 1962 and is an internationa organization.

What is the third special Olympics called?

para olympics

When was Olympics created?

Special Olympics was created in 1968.

How was special Olympics founded?

i think special Olympics were founded because people needed it for their life

The Olympic oath was first taken during which Olympic Games?

The Olympic Oath for athletes was first taken at the 1920 Games in Antwerp and the Olympic Oath for judges was first taken at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Where did the first special Olympics take place?

The Special Olympics is held around the University of Nebraska Lincoln and the Lincoln community.

Why are the Olympics special?

They ARE special!! They brought globalisation to sports!!!!