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Q: What is the name of the greek stadia for horse and chariot racing?
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What is the difference between ancient greek Olympics and the Olympics now?

we dont have horse and chariot racing

What is chariot racing?

Chariot racing is an old Greek,Roman sport that was created for entertainment chariot race is one driver pulled by horse. The racers race in circles in the Circus maximus (building they were normally held in)These races are dangerous for both the horse and driver!

How many horse were needed in chariot racing?

1 horse

Where were Olympic chariot races held?

Chariot and horse racing were held in the Hippodrome.

What classical horse riding competitions are there?

chariot racing

What is the equivalent of the Hippodrome?

Hippodrome, ancient Greek stadium designed for horse racing and especially chariot racing. Its Roman counterpart was called a circus and is best represented by the Circus Maximus (q.v.).

What would you see at un hippodrome?

Horse / Chariot racing.

What is charioteers?

Chariot Racing is an old Greek,Roman sport that was created for entertainment chariot race is one driver pulled by horse. The racers race in circles in the Circus maximus (building they were normally held in)These races are dangerous for both the horse and driver!

What is the meaning of hippodrome?

An open-air stadium in ancient Greece or Rome with an oval track that was used for horse or chariot racing. The word derives from the Greek hippo = horse dromos = passageway.

Who invented thoroughbred horse racing?

Horse racing probably has its origins in Roman chariot races. To find out more about horse racing and betting, please click the Betfair link below.

What do you do during chariot racing?

You race around a track in a horse and cart

What words end with Drome?

Hippodrome. A Greek stadium (more commonly associated with the later Byzantine hippodromes) designed and reserved for the purposes of horse & chariot racing.