There is no age but there are very few Olympic runners under 18. In Track and Field, athletes are not stronger or faster at a younger age unlike some other sports such as swimming, diving, or gymnastics.
Track and Field
The 1928 summer Olympic Games was the first time the sport of Track and Field offered events for women. There were five events available to women participants.
Swimming, Track and Field, and Volleyball
The track and field athletics events are being held at the Olympic Stadium, Olympic Park, Stratford, London E20 2ST
There are several events that are played in the summer Olympics. A few of the events are fencing, cricket, archery, and gymnastics.
From Track and Field: discus, javelin and shot put.
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Some Olympic events include basketball, baseball, hockey, and swimming. Other invents include skiing, skating, track and field events, and bobsledding.
A decathlon consists of 10 track and field events
The first Olympics were held in Athens in 1896.The events includes Track and field
tell me what it is don't make me tell youu geeze
The 1928 summer Olympic Games was the first time the sport of track and field offered events for women. There were five events available to women participants.