I have never heard of a horse jump 13 feet. The highest I know of was 8 feet.
A jumping competition to see which horse can clear the highest jump is called a high jump or puissance competition. Riders and horses aim to clear increasingly higher obstacles until only one horse remains that can jump the highest height.
It depends on the horse and it depends on the dog.
7 feet
Long jump has been an Olympic event since the Modern Olympics began in 1896. Men have competed in Olympic long jump since 1896. Women have competed in Olympic long jump since 1948.
since the first international Olympic games in 1896 :)
swimming , hockey racing,long jump,skating
hop skip jump
The high jump has been an olympic event officially for over 100 years at the Olympic Games, and will continue to be held annually every year during the Olympic, including this year's games in Beijing, China.
Horse Eden Eventing, Hunt and Jump
http://ultimatehorsesite.com/info/worldrecord_jump.html 1938 I believe
there is chariot races and boxing and horse races Wrestling pankration and pentathlon long jump javelien throw track events