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Probably the same as any average since there are events for all sizes

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Q: What is the average height of a Summer Games Olympic athlete?
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in summer and winter games, which athlete gets the most height

What is the average height of a male 50 meter olympic swimmer?

about 6'2"

What height is required for being an olympic gymnast?

There is no height requirement to compete in Olympic gymnastics.

What is the height of an Olympic sized hurtle?

The Olympic Hurdle Height For Men is 106.7cm (3 ft 6 in) and the height for women is 83.8cm (2 ft 9 in).

What is the height of athlete Amy Williams?

6 foot 8

Can Adidas effect an athlete's jumping height?

It needs the right leverage.

What is the average height for you in Bulgaria?

Average male height: 1.75 Average female height: 1.63

What is the average height of Greek individuals compared to the global average height?

The average height of Greek individuals is slightly above the global average height.

Does the height and weight of an athlete affect the time in the hurdles?

The height of a person does not directly affect the athlete, but it really does help to be on the taller side. however, i have known some pretty good hurdlers who arent all that tall.

What is the average height of an Indian?

there is no average height of an Indian it is like saying what is an average height of a white or black person there is not an answer

What is the starting height of olympic pole vault?

15ft 6in.

What is the average height in 2009?

the average height is 5' 5"