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Proportions 2:3, created 1913, adopted 1914, first used 1920.
PMS 356
To convert a PMS color code to a TCX number, you can use a color conversion tool or software that supports both color systems. The PMS color needs to be matched with the closest TCX color in the Pantone TCX color system, as the two systems have different color libraries and may not have a direct one-to-one conversion.
The PMS color for cobalt blue is PMS 286. It is a deep, rich blue color often used in printing and design projects.
The metallic PMS color for copper is 876 C. Ignacio Martinez
PMS 1265
PMS colors for Pittsburgh pirates
PMS 158
These are all common: PMS 459 C PMS 461 U PMS 4505 C PMS 4515
PMS on a gold ring most likely refers to the purity of the gold. "PMS" stands for "Plumb, or Paris Match Standard," indicating that the gold content meets certain industry standards. It is a quality mark to show the amount of pure gold in the ring.
PMS is system of standardized colors. Purple: PMS 267 (PMS: Pantone Matching System) is the official color for Northwestern University. Sue in Chicago