

What is the Main metal in a gold medal?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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14y ago

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Silver is the main metal in gold metals. In fact Olymic gold metals are over 90% silver.

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Q: What is the Main metal in a gold medal?
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When was Gold Medal in Metal created?

Gold Medal in Metal was created on 2008-08-25.

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The main metal present in gold is gold.

Did the winners win a gold medal in the Olympics?

Yes. if you are asking about metal it actually is gold plated silver.

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When you win a gold metal it shows that you are the best at the sport in the whole world.

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An Olympic Gold medal is worth 25,000 U.S. Dollars

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Actually, according to statistics, an Olympic "Gold Medal" is actually 90% silver... just another fact.

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gold medal thats like obvious

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Metal refers to a type of material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, and a good conductor of heat and electricity, such as iron, copper, or gold. A medal, on the other hand, is a piece of metal that is often awarded as a symbol of achievement or recognition, typically in the form of a decorative pendant or disk.

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Friedrich Jahn invented gymnastics and the first person to get a gold medal was Nadia Comaneci

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Sulfur is a non-metal. And it is "metal".. not "medal".