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The first Olympic games were held to honour the Greek Gods (A.K.A. the Olympians) and were only held for one day every four years. Women were strictly forbidden, and only men who were Greek could participate. Each time the Olympics were held in the city of Olympia. The winners of the Olympics were honoured very greatly, and got many amazing prizes.

Nowadays, the Olympics are held for entertainment, and to honour the past Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are still held every four years, but last for two weeks. Women are allowed to participate and watch, but in one sport (ski jumping) women are not allowed to participate. Also, now the Olympics are held in a different place every time. The one thing that is noticeably the same is that the winners of the Olympics are still honered with medals and -now- bragging rights.

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Q: What is one of the main differences between the ancient Olympics and those held now?
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