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Q: What is made with a lit candel?
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Of what two elements is a candel made of?

of calcium and okegyne

When did Francesc Candel Tortajada die?

Francesc Candel Tortajada died in 2007.

When was Francesc Candel Tortajada born?

Francesc Candel Tortajada was born in 1925.

What has the author Javier Lorenzo Candel written?

Javier Lorenzo Candel has written: 'Ecosistemas'

Is candel wax a type of fuel?

Yes, candle wax is a type of fuel. When a candle is lit, the heat of the flame melts the wax, which is then drawn up the wick and vaporized, providing fuel for the flame.

When did Francisco Candel die?

Francisco Candel died on November 23, 2007, in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

What is candel?

a candle is made out of wax and one pice of string when you put fire on the string the wax starts melting.

When was Francisco Candel born?

Francisco Candel was born on May 31, 1925, in Casas Altas, Valncia, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain.

What rhymes with mantel?

handel, candel,sandel,

What actors and actresses appeared in Candel - 1987?

The cast of Candel - 1987 includes: Francisco Algora Francisco Candel as himself Luis Ciges Mario Gas Vicky Lagos Carlos Lucena Anna Rosa Cisquella Pepe Rubianes Juan Velilla Joan Villalonga Josefina Zorrilla

Which burns longer red candle or white candle?

it depends on lenght height width and the thickness and wick put into the candel sometimes their is more chemicals in a white candel than their are a colored candel depending on the brand

Highest selling single?

Candel In The Wind by Elton John