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Q: What is held for naught mean?
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What does naught for naught mean?

It means that it was all for nothing. Naught means nothing.

What does But all for naught mean?

It means that it was all for nothing. Naught means nothing.

What is naught divided by naught?

Division by naught (Zero) is undefined.

What does naught exactly mean?

The word "naught" has many meanings. When used as an adjective, it means that something is worthless. If it is used as a proverb it means "nothing" or "zero."

What does the word nothing mean?

no thing; not anything; naught or nonexistence; nothingness

Is there a naught bear curse?

naught bear? do you mean night bear? and 1: stop watching sponge bob 2: depends on what curse you mean like things can cause a bear to attack etc.

How do you calculate Sigma naught?

Sigma naught = 1 / (mu naught * c^2)

What part of speech is naught?

Naught is a noun.

What is a sentence for naught?

Their efforts came to naught when they lost the papers. Naught means nothing or zero.

What does not gone for naught mean?

"Not gone for naught" means that something has not been wasted or been without purpose. It implies that efforts or actions have had a positive impact or outcome, even if it may not have been immediately apparent.

What does naught could remove mean?

It means: Which could be ended by nothing but their children's death.

What is naught plus naught minus and naught times 72 8?

0 + 0 - 0 x 728 = 0