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Q: What is a post held?
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What is the difference between 'the post is to be always held by....' and 'the post is always held by....'?

"The post is to always be held by..."This language notes what should be, as in a policy, guideline or rule."The post is always held by..."This language notes what actually happens.

How do you find out if a letter is being held at the post office?

Go to the post office and ask ... Dohh!

Where is The Perth Trading Post Challenge held?

Barragallo Barragallo, Perth

Who was the first Indian women who held the cabinet post?

Frances Perkins

Which post was held by thomas Jefferson in 1785-1788?

Minister to france

What was the key frontier post held by the British in spite of the treaty of Paris?


How do you answer 'Why are you suitable for Office Executive'?

I would repeat back what the post held (as define by the interviewer) and than explain all of my experiences related to the post.

What person did not attend the post-war negotiation held by France?

Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, Georges Cluemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson are all the big names attending the WW1 post war negotiations held in France

What is POST-TAX?

it means you are paying or contributing monies 'post' or after all taxes have been with held from your pay check........ maybe you are talking about a 401k? you can on most contribute, pre or post tax........

What people did not attend the post-war negotiations held in France?

Vladimir l. Lenin

How to find out if mail being held?

Go to, or phone, your local post office and ask.

Who is Command sergeant Major of The Army?

It's Sergeant Major of the Army (there is no "Command" in the title), and the post is currently held by SMA Raymond F. Chandler.