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Q: What fight had very few rules in the ancient Olympics?
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How serious was the Olympics in ancient Greece?

Ancient Greeks were very serious about the Olympics that even when they are in the middle of a war,they will actually stop what there doing and go and play in the Olympics!

How often was Ancient Greek Olympics?

Every four years. The four year period between games was an Olympiad.

Why the ancient Olympics abolished?

They were very violent games, with a lot of naked men (no women nearby by law) and as ideas about conduct changed, the ancient Olympics lost popularity.

First Olympic city?

The 1896 Olympics, the very first modern Olympics. but then again, the ancient Greece Olympics too.

How many people took part in the Olympics from the start?

six people took part in the ancient greek Olympics when it very first origionally started .

What were the rules to the ancient greek Olympics?

This is a very rough guide but I hope you will be happy with it. Only men were to compete and you had to do it for the gods. Before the games you have to worship a statue, also to join you had to swear that you had done 6 months training ( the amount of time varies so this might be different from what you have heard ) These are the only rules I know.

What was the uniform for the ancient Olympics?

the ancient Olympic Games didnt have a uniform, they had to perform ..... naked!

Where can you find the rules to the ancient Egyptian snake game?

rules for snake Egyptian game there are not very many rules because people were unsure about the rules and they played the game a long long long time ago.

How has the ancient Olympics influnced the modern Olympics?

The Greek Olympics were similar to our modern Olympics in the sense that people belonging to every nationality would have the chance to come togethor for a short period of time and take part in a little friendly competition. It was meant to show to all Greeks that through their mutual appreciation of athleticism, they were culturally unified. In a way it was a diplomatic gesture the same way it is today, because it showed that very distinct groups of people could find one thing in common which they could all hold respect for.

What do athletes in the ancient Olympics win?

Same as it feels like now just in Ancient Times. You were supported by fans and people were giant fans of the winners. They were role-models and everyone wanted to grow up just like them.

When did women play archery in the Olympics?

Since the very first Olympics which took place in ancient Greece. It was considered a "hunter's" sport.

Should Karate be included in the Olympics and why?

It could be included because there is a type of karate called "Freestyle Kata, is a type of karate Kata mixed up with gymnastics, check in youtube for some freestyle Katas. No! In order to be in the Olympics there have to be very specific rules. That goes against the basic premise of karate, defense without any rules. The minute that rules, any rules, are applied it moves from a martial art to a sport.