Davis is of English, Irish, Scottish and German ancestry according to Wikipedia.
Meryl Davis is 5' 2".
Meryl Davis was born on January 1, 1987.
Meryl Davis was born on January 1, 1987.
why are charly wite and meryl davis retireing
Meryl Davis is 30 years old (date of birth: January 1, 1987).
Meryl Davis and Charlie White won a silver medal at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics!!
Usually confused and thought to be dating partner Charlie White, Meryl and Charlie are just partners and friends. As of February 2014, Meryl is not in a serious relationship with anyone.
No. Meryl is dating Jeremy Abbott and Charlie is dating Tanith Belbin.
No, they are not. He is currently dating Tanith Belbin.
Born January 1, 1987, Meryl Davis is currently 30 years old. Born October 24, 1987, Charlie White is currently 30 years old.
While it's unclear how much of a practitioner she is and to what subset she belongs, Meryl Davis does seem to be Christian. She has posted photos on her blog of her family in front of a Christmas tree and wrote a blog post wishing her readers a "Merry Christmas!" Check out the blog post in the related link below.