Beijing, Athens, Sydney, Atlanta, Barcelona, Seoul, Los Angeles, Moscow, Montreal, Munich
It is 5389 miles (8672 km) from Atlanta to Moscow
The Olympic games are played every four years, and always held in a different location. The last ten places the Olympics were held is as follows: London, Beijing, Athens, Sydney, Atlanta, Barcelona, Seoul, Los Angeles, Moscow and in 1976 Montreal.
They were in Greece in 2004 the next ones are in Bejing this year and in 2012 they are in London 1980 - Moscow, USSR 1984 - Los Angeles, USA 1988 - Seoul, S.Korea 1992 - Barcelona, Spain 1996 - Atlanta, USA 2000 - Sydney, Australia 2004 - Athens, Greece
The flight distance from Atlanta, GA to Moscow, Russia is 5,389 miles / 8,672 km.
Air miles from Barcelona, Spain, to Moscow, Russia, total 1,874 miles. That is 3,016 kilometers or 1,629 nautical miles.
Tokyo, Los Angeles, Detroit, Atlanta, New York [City], Perth, Delhi, Hiroshima, Hong Kong, London, Moscow, Toronto, and there maybe more.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Moscow (MOW) Shortest Flight Duration 12 hours 35 mins
there were two citites to bid for the 1980 summer olympics Moscow and Los Angeles
According to HowManyHours around 11 hours.
It is about 26 hours of you stop at Los Angeles
Moscow in 1980 and Los Angeles in 1984.