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Q: What did the famous 1936 literary digest straw poll fail to predict?
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Literary Digest used what kind of polls to predict the popular vote in presidential elections?

Straw polls . "straw poll or straw vote is a vote with nonbinding results. Straw polls provide dialogue among movements within large groups. [1][2] In meetings subject to rules of order, impromptu straw polls often are taken to see if there is enough support for an idea to devote more meeting time to it, and (when not a secret ballot) for the attendees to see who is on which side of a question. " From wiki

Is straw bales used for feed?

Not often. Straw has little food value as it is hard to digest. Hay bales are used, instead.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Straw?

yes they can but they prefer hay which i use as bedding.

What luton is famous for?

luton is famous for straw hats, luton hoo and vauxhall

Why did the famous 1936 literary digest straw poll fail to predict the number of the presidential election?

Although it had previously accurately predicted the winners of elections, The Literary Digest failed to do so in the election of 1936. The main reason was the method of polling they used. The polled their readers, who were wealthy enough to still be able to afford to buy the magazine during the depression. They also polled automobile and telephone user, who at that time would have been affluent. As a result, they did not tap into the pulse of America.Respondents intentionally lied about their preferred candidateBack then, polling and political science research were still very new, and not as reliable as they are today. Literary Digest did a mail-in poll, based largely on people who subscribed to their magazine. As it turned out, many of their subscribers were Republicans, and they did not want President Roosevelt (a Democrat) to win. But as anyone who has done survey research knows, a sample must be RANDOM in order to be reliable. Thus, selecting only your readers is great if you want research on opinions about your magazine; but if you want opinions about the election, you need to reach out to a much wider range of people, and have a variety of ages, races, various geographical locations, various political viewpoints, etc. Literary Digest did not do this; that is one big reason why their results were wrong.Another reason is that asking people to mail in the reply (called "self-reporting") gets you only those people who are called "actives"-- they are passionate enough about the subject to send you a letter, fill out a survey, answer questions, etc. To get a good sample, you need "passives"-- they make up the majority of the public, and they rarely send a letter or fill out a survey, even though they do have opinions. You need reach out to them, and Literary Digest did not do this. They only got results from the most passionately political people, who make up about 7-10% of the average audience. This was another reason their results were so wrong.The Literary Digest only polled its subscribers, who were wealthier than most Americans, and therefore tended to have a more negative view of some of Roosevelt's policies. FDR won the election with 60. 8 percent of the vote.

What is the rebus puzzle straw straw straw straw straw straw straw?

it means: the last staw

What is a push poll straw poll exit poll?

A push poll is a form of political campaigning that aims to influence opinions rather than gather data. A straw poll is a non-binding poll to gauge public opinion on a particular issue or candidate. An exit poll is taken after someone has voted to predict electoral outcomes.

What do you call the paper left on a straw?

The paper left on a straw is typically referred to as a straw wrapper or straw sleeve. It is used to keep the straw clean and hygienic before use.

What literary device is then last of all she pulled down over her ears a blue straw hat with a drooping exhausted brim?

The literary device used in this sentence is personification, where the hat is given the human attribute of being exhausted. This enhances the description by creating a vivid image of the hat's appearance and setting a particular mood.

What was the one of the first polls used in American politics?

A Straw Poll

What is the width of a straw?

Depends on the straw...