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Q: What did the ancient Greek Olympian trainers do when their Olympians lost?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a greek god and an Olympian?

The difference is quite simple. "Olympians" in reference to gods are the greek gods with thrones on Olympus. "Greek Gods" is used in reference to the Olympians and minor gods.

What did ancient greek Olympians wear?


How many people ruled on Mt Olympus?

In Greek mythology, Olympus was regarded as the "home" of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world.[Zeus is the "Father of Gods and men" who rules the Olympians as a father rules the family.

What are the roman names of the 12 greek roman Olympians?

They are called Olympian by the Greeks, meaning gods and goddesses who in ancient minds dwelt on Mt. Olympus.In ancient Greek, though, the Olympians were called the Dodekatheon which literally means "twelve gods".

Who are the best Olympians?

the best greek olympian would be Athena because she is very wise and uses strategetic techniques

Who were the 12 chief Greek gods?

The 12 Olympians were:ZeusHeraPoseidonDemeterAresHephaestusAphroditeAthenaArtemisApolloHermesDionysusHestia used to be an Olympian, but she gave up her throne for Dionysus.

How did the 12 Olympians impact the religious beliefs of the ancient Greek people?

The 12 Olympians were the main cornerstone of the ancient greek religion, and stories about them struck fear and a need to impress them upon the greek people.

What do Greek gods do if they are an Olympian?

The Olympians are the 12 main gods. They are children of the Titans. They are named for the gods' residence, Mount Olympus.

Where the Olympians lived?

The Olympian gods, worshiped by the ancient Greeks, were understood to live at the height of Mt. Olympus. This mountain, the highest in Greece and one of the highest in all of southeastern Europe, is located in the northern portion of the Greek mainland.

Was the Greek Goddess Demeter an Olympian?

The gods and goddesses Dionysus, Demeter, Hades, and Hestia are all sometimes considered Olympians and sometimes not.

Who did the ancient Greeks believe was the third brother among the Olympians?

According to ancient Greek mythology, Hades was the third brother among the Olympians. He ruled the underworld and the dead.

Ancient Greek food that the Olympians ate?

The Olympians ate ambrosia and drank nectar, according to Greek mythology. My guess as to the reason they do is because both are quite sweet in flavor.