London Olympics 2012
27 July -12 Aug 2012
29 August - 9 Sept 2012
The Para Olympics start 29th Aug 2012
start date 27th july 2012 ending date 12th august 2012
the date that the Olympics that are going to end in August time
July 27
July 27
Friday, July 27, 2012 in London, England.
Friday, July 27, 2012.
London Olympics 201227 July -12 Aug 2012Paralympics29 August - 9 Sept 2012LONDON OLYMPICS 2012
27 July - 12 August
The 2012 London Olympics started27 July and ended 12 Aug 2012. THe 2012Paralympics started29 August and ended 9 Sept 2012.
Opening ceremony was July 27 2012, but soccer started on July 25 2012