The fastest sea animal is the sailfish (marlin), which can reach 120 km per hour.
I dunno about the other 9.
Whats the fastest animal? Is a bull in the top 10 of the fastest animals?
i think it is the cheeth they run so............ fast no one could catch up
Bob Hakushimonamawu
yukti bhambri
No but its in the top ten
because there great
The first is the tongue.
Fruit most probably.
Africa is home to some of the fastest animals in the world. The top five fastest land animals are the cheetah, Thomsonâ??s Gazelle, ostrich, wildebeest, and the lion.
1) Vince Young Ten 2) Seneaca Wallace Sea 3) Tarvaris Jackson Min The others do not matter but here are some Aron Rogers Matt Cassel