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El Jaguar Rojo de Chichen-Itza (Red Jaguar) & Paloma de la Paz (dove)

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A Jalapeno chili with a sombrero known as Pique.

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Q: What are the names of the mascots of the 1968 Mexico Olympics?
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When did The Olympics in Mexico happen?

The Olympics in Mexico happened in 1968.

What was in Mexico in 1968?

The 1968 Summer Olympics.

Which city and country hosted the 1968 Summer Olympics?

Mexico City, Mexico hosted the 1968 Summer Olympics.

Where was the Olympics held in 1968?

Mexcico City, October 1968

What year did Mexico host the Summer Olympics?

In 1968.

Where was the Olympics hosted in 1968?

Winter Olympic: Grenoble, France Summer Olympics: Mexico City, Mexico

What year were the Olympics held in Mexico?

It was held in 1968

Where were the 1968 Olympics?

Summer: Mexico City, Mexico Winter: Grenoble, France

What year and city will the first Olympics of Mexico be held?

Mexico City, on 1968.

How many Olympics have been held in Mexico?

Only once, in the 1968 Summer Olympics.

What year did Mexico city hold the summer Olympics?


Why was Mexico city chosen to host the 1968 Olympics?

because it was