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Usually regulation Olympic size. approx. 50feet

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Q: What are the dimensions of a college-sized pool?
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How many quarts fills a pool?

It depends on the dimensions of the pool.

How many gallons of water does a below ground pool hold?

...What are the dimensions of the pool?

What are the dimensions of an hotel pool?

small to medium

What is a capacity of swimming pool?

This question is unanswerable. You must provide the dimensions. You base the answer on the dimensions.

What are dimensions of competition swimming pool?

There are two different sizes when it comes to competition swimming pools. There is a short course, and a long course pool. The dimensions for the short course pool is 25 meters by 25 meters. However, the width can change depending on the number of lanes that the pool has. A long course pool has dimensions of 50 meters by 25 meters.

How much can a pool hold in metric?

This totally depends on the size of the pool! They come in all sizes and shapes so you'll have to give us some dimensions for us to calculate the volume.

What is the dimentions of an swimming pool?

Any dimensions that you desire

What is pool capacity volume in gallons?

Depends on dimensions of pool. You haven't told us any.

How many pints fill up a pool?

Could be anything as you didn't say dimensions of pool.

Dimensions of a Pool Used in the Olympics?

I do know it is 50meters long.

How many feet around is an 18 foot pool?

That depends on the dimensions of the pool. There is no way to answer the question with the information given.

Gallons of water in a swimming pool?

It depends on the dimensions of the pool which, you have chosen not to share with us. There can, therefore, be no useful answer.