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hacking is when you take your horse to feilds and along roads ect dressage is stuff like flying changes,piaffe etc

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Q: What are the differences between hacking and dressage in equestrian competition?
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i thought that you are going to answer me this question, since i have been looking and discussing on their differences, i saw that their similarities are also important if the exist or rather are they there, help and answer me if their similarities doesnot exist please answer me, requesting kindly and politely thanks

How do you find 'X' to halt in a dressage arena?

its smack bang in the center, so between A and C and also between B and E. Hope this helps, good luck in your dressage test and remember to reward your pony.

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An olympic event containing three sports?

Equine three day eventing is a competition between horses over a period of three days with each day a different event on each day. On day 1 a dressage test, it is different from normal dressage as you get juged on you movements but if you get 60% you then say i have 30% as you are looking for a lower score. So the higher your dressage score then you lower it will be. On day 2 a Cross Country or somethimes spelt as XC which test the strengh and stamina of the horse. There are natural jumps such as fallen logs of timber built jumps. The course is run over a few miles and the jumps quiet smaller than in the olden days as it is more techincal now. The more advanced the competition the longer the course. Also there is a set time and you get 1/4 of a penlty every second you run over also 20 penlty points for a refuals and elimination for 3 refusals and elimination for a fall. On day 3 show jumping running like any normal show jumping competition. Of course with 2 days of competition the horse is going to be worn out so you can't be to demanding. Day 3 is the day the winner will be decided. Eventing is a very risky and expensive sport but once you have masterd the sport there is a lot to be gained from it.

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Competition between species is called interspecific competition. It occurs when different species compete for the same resources, such as food, water, or shelter, leading to interactions that can affect the survival and abundance of the species involved.

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Interspecific competition is the competition between two or more species of different organisms competing for the same resources. Intraspecific competition is the competition between two or more of the same species fighting for the same resources.

What are the differences between my horse and me and my horse and me 2 for the computer?

The main difference between My Horse and me 1 and 2 is that you in the second game can walk in the stable and participate in dressage events and also cross country. In the second game also contains a story which the first didn't. The movements of the horse is, however, not as good as in the first game.