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Pollution and crime.

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Erin Hand

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2y ago
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13y ago

Advantages: - promotes tourism, its national athletes won't have a hard time adjusting to the environment (no jetlag), boosts the economy (foreign athletes buy souvenirs, sales will rise), helps the country improve sports facilities which will be of advantage to the athletes of the country and earns money.

Disadvantages: - high costs of building new facilities / renovation / hosting fees

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12y ago

I know the advantages.

It will encourage children and young adults to participate in more sport. Also, it will bring inspiration to many more people. Sports shops, restraunts, hotels will be busy places while the Olympics are taking place. London will become a more popular place.

There will be lots of tourists visiting.

Hosting/running costs

Risk of terrosim/security

Gaining a profit from the games

(xJess-Wessx (hiphoppy) here)

Disadvantages are that if the UK fails to provide a good Olympics, it could inflict on tourism and our reputation as a country, therefore affecting our economy further.

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9y ago

The advantages of hosting the Olympics would be the recognition by the media, also it would attract tourism which would create revenue. The disadvantages would also be crowds, people not respecting the area because it is not their home.

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12y ago

willy bum cheese

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