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One is :

Say "Every body hit the floor, (then your stomp ith two feet, hit the floor and then clap)"

And Just Cheer Your Heart Out!!!!!


for an ace: ahhhh ACE! A-C-E! ACE!


Another one is, (from a different person then above, Amhesse) is...

(If your a cheer leader,)

They got our ball, (clap, clap) we want it back, (clap, clap)

(louder) They got our ball, (clap, clap) we want it back!(clap, clap)

(Then ask the croud to answer we want it back after you say "they got our ball,) (Then once your team gets the ball back, (clap, clap) you scream,)

We got our ball, (clap, clap) they want it back...(clap, clap) x2.




Side out! Side out!

Keep an eye out!

Side out! Side out!

Hear everybody shout!

(while team banging on floor, scream slowly,)


PS. If you do not know what side out means, it means for the team to win the play, get the ball back, get a point so your team can serve!

Ace cheer- Ace Ace in your face

Spike/kill-Ah kill sh sh reload

free ball- f-r-double e we just burned you with a free - free ball (clap clap) teamname (clap clap)

Ace- Ah Uno Does Trace Ace!!!

Ace--uno, dos, tres, say what? say what? ace

side out--






heres another one so you:

spell out O-U-T with your hands as your doing it say the letters the as soon as your done with that pull you arms back and say out. For when they hit the ball out of bounds. Thats out thats out go ahead and pout when you here are team shout!

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13y ago
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13y ago

P......block : we block it and we rock it (clap low pitch then high)

ace: A C E ace(clap)

kill: kill, drop low (touch the ground)

beggining cheer: bump set hit spike fight all the way we will win this game and we will have no shame goooooo (team name)

if win game: we just won(uh huh) so drop drop low (o yah) now its its time to (hit the floor) o o o o gooooo (team nam) just if u do this cheeer dont be cocky and havebad sportsmanship lol

team courage: p u m p pump it up p p u m p pump it up pump it up girls dig it up girl set it up girl hit it hard gooooooooooo (team name) dont forget it !

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14y ago

For an ace:

Ace! A-C-E!

All Ace!

Ace, Ace, in your face!

For a kill:

Chick, Chick, BOOM!

Bump it, Set it, Spike it, that's the way we like it!

Bump kill, bump kill!

For a block:

Access DENIED!

No way, Hosea!

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13y ago

Bump, set, spike, score. Never let it hit the floor, beat them, bust them, that's our custom, GOOOO (Teams name)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?!?!? Pretty girls don't play let's get UGLY!!!!

We want/won another one, just like the other one-instant (clap clap) repeat (clap clap)

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14y ago

there is no cool chants for volleyball or any sport because you joined to play a sport not to be a cheerleader and if you want to cheer join Cheerleading not a real sport!!

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14y ago

"bump, set, spike it! that's the way we like it!"

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