The population of Ors is 660.
safe ORS
The area of Ors is 17.76 square kilometers.
Miguel Ors was born on August 31, 1928, in Barcelona, Spain.
ORS-bicarbonate and ORS-citrate medication is used to treat diarrhea and electrolyte depletion. The medication is currently not commercially available in Canada and in the United States.
ORS was developed in mid sixties in last century. It was made available to community, world wide, in late seventies. Potassium is one of the main ingredient oral rehydration solution, also called as ORS. (ORS can save about 99 % of children with diarrhea. Diarrhea kills more than million children, world wide, specially in developing countries. Potassium is very important ingredient of the ORS. You lose lot of potassium in diarrhea fluid. Discovery of ORS is said to be one of the biggest medical discoveries of the last century.)
the Olympic medals are made all from bronze silver and gold.
Stone cutting tools preceded everything else
Francisco Ors died on July 25, 2013, in Zaragoza, Aragn, Spain.
Carlos d' Ors has written: 'Hechizos, amares y delirios'
the olympic medals were created by old people