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No, never.

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Q: Was Dame Kelly Holmes ever banned for taking drugs?
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Related questions

What Type of drugs did Ned Kelly take?

There is no record of Ned Kelly taking drugs.

What drugs do athletes use?

athletes take drugs to boost their energy.but taking drugs even by an athlete in banned.

Should drugs be banned?

no drugs are good drugs rule

Is Cheryl Cole taking drugs?

No, Kelly Clarkson is not doing drugs. Clarkson has admitted to eating some 'space cookies' in a state where it was legal.

What drugs did john Holmes take?

It is not known what drugs John Holmes took. John Holmes was an adult film star who eventually began working as a drug dealer for the Wonderland Gang.

Joan Kelly was automatically enrolled in a depression program by her employer after her prescription drugs management company reported that she was taking anti depressants?

For how long?

Has WWE diva kelly kelly ever took drugs?


Why isn't drugs taking banned?

Because everyone has taken a little bit one way other the other, so they can really penozile evenryone or there will be no sport.

Does R. Kelly do drugs?


Is Pseudoephedrine on the Olympic banned drugs list?

no its not

Which drugs are banned in sport?

Heroin cocaine and steiroids are aloud, but estrogen pills are banned

Why was Ellen Hopkins' Crank banned?

sex and drugs