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Free-running is not an Olympic sport, although many people believe that it should be.

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13y ago
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13y ago

No, it is not...

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14y ago

yes, it is

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What is a weird Olympic event?

Race walking (a.k.a speed walking) is an olympic event. NO JOKE!

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When did speed skating become an olypmic event?

Speed Skating became an Olympic sport in 1924.

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When was the Short Track speed skating recognized as an Olympic event?

Approx. 1922.

What is the longest walking Olympic event?

For men it is the 50 kilometer walk and for women it is the 20 kilometer walk.

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Yes it is a Olympic event :)

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yes swimming is an olympic event

When did people start speed skating?

People began speed skating as a Olympic event in 1924 but only men can compete. Women can compete in 1974 for speed skating.

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The first event of the first Winter Olympics (1924) was the 500 meter speed skating race, won by US skater Charles Jewtraw.

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Gymnastic, Volleyball, Diving, Shot Put, Archery, Long Jump

What is the ancient olympic event?

The Olympic Games.