His family name is listed in the "Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames"
Michael phelps
cheryl phelps jack phelps and brian phelps
Phelps Phelps died on 1981-06-10.
Phelps Phelps was born on 1897-05-04.
Fred Phelps is his dad
Debbie Phelps
The address of the Phelps Branch is: 38575 State Highway 194 East, Phelps, 41553 9702
James Phelps plays Fred Weasley.Oliver Phelps plays George Weasley.
Michael phelps
Fred Phelps is his father and Deborah "Debbie" Phelps is his mother
Earl Phelps's birth name is Newton Phelps.
Digger Phelps's birth name is Richard Phelps.