

Is Olympics an adjective

Updated: 10/27/2022
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11y ago

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No. Olympic is an adjective. Olympics is a noun meaning Olympic Games and formed in the same way as a number of other words formed from two others frequently linked together, the second of which is understood in its context. For example, National Championships (of various sports) are often termed Nationals by people talking about them, although the word might be meaningless if introduced out of context.

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proper adjective

What is a single thought adjective?

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Olympic or Olympics can be spelled with or without adding an S.It is an adjective that refers to the Olympic Games or the ancient city of Olympia.

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She has been to two Olympics, the 2004 Olympics and the 2008 Olympics.

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Same as the 2008 Olympics, and the 2004 Olympics, and the Olympics before that. and every other 4 years since the Olympics started.

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There is no 2010 Summer Olympics. The Olympics in 2010 was a Winter Olympics that took place in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The next summer Olympics after the 2010 Winter Olympics is the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

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the first olympics occured in olympia

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There are no Olympics in 2013. The Olympics were in 2012 and the next one is in 2016. There are winter Olympics in 2014.